
Communication is Key

Communication is Key

In the field of graphic design, almost every project you work on will have to go through many different people before it is published. That project changes and develops throughout the process and can often lose the original idea by the finishing view. You don’t want to give bad directions and you don’t want to be the person in trouble for doing smth wrong. Being able to give and understand clear and detailed instruction is a skill that will be highly valued. 

The marketer to the designer:

As the marketer, your job is to Create great ideas and decide if they will be good for your company. By the time you decide to start a project you already have a clear image of what you’re expecting the project to look like. It is your responsibility to direct to your team in a way that brings your project to life. Make a map of every detail you have in your head so you don’t forget anything. Decide which details are the most important, then start with those and work your way through the process. Make sure to give clear direction with vocabulary you know the designer will understand, and take note of the struggles they may have with the design. Use the designers feedback to modify your design, and answer all of their questions until the project is completely finished. 

The designer to the marketer: 

The designers of the company do a lot of work and a lot of projects. Throughout working on the projects, you have to be the one to put everything together and keep it organised. Make sure everything is presentable and clear so the marketer can understand. You will need to know how to create new ideas and designs, and be able to follow directions to even the tiniest of details. There is no communication without a listener. Take the information given to you by your director, create what you think it should look like, and go back for re evaluation. Do this several times and be sure to ask as many questions as you need. After a long process and if you are both happy with the final draft, publish it. Make sure to save it to a computer or flash drive so you can use it and make needed changes later. 

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