
6 Digital Marketing Mistakes

6 Digital Marketing Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes when they’re new to an industry or job. Eventually you will mess up or look back and say “I should have done that”. But although it is inevitable to mess up, your mess ups do not have to be a big loss in your company. I’m here to go over some of the most common mistakes made in digital marketing and how to fix them, so your mistakes will be the small ones. 

1. Not tracking your goals

This is a MUST HAVE. Not having or tracking your goals can have a huge effect on the state of your business. It will make your employees unorganized and unmotivated. Without a good goal set, you have nothing to work towards and no clear mission statement for your company. In other words, you won’t get anything done.  

To make a good goal you should follow the SMART acronym. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

Using these principles will help you make accurate goals for your business and Improve your work ethic within your employees. Make sure these goals are clear to all those involved so that everyone knows exactly what their part is. Tracking your goals is also very important for the structure of the project. Update them constantly so everyone is on the same page. Make sure to pace yourself with your projects. Moving too fast through things can lower your content quality. Keeping track of your goals will help your team take things one at a time, and make your content the best it can be. 

2. Applying to the wrong audience 

Your audience is very important. These are the people you are selling to and the people who will create your company brand. Choosing the wrong audience, or not appealing to the right audience, will stop your sales in its tracks. Imagine you’re selling kitchen supplies and you need to create an ad. First, identify your target audience; Who is most likely to buy your products? Create an identity for your target market, (30-60 year old female with children at home) Danielle Miller, personal brand specialist, said “You must gather, analyze, and implement as much information as possible about who are the ‘right people’ for what you have to offer.” This is called a buyer persona. Next, apply to your target market; Would you make an ad with bright colors, fast pace music, and action shots? Not conventionally. These sorts of things would apply to sports equipment or kids toys and that is not the appele you want. Instead, you would use slow moving frames with homie music and cooking shots. This will help identify your product with all those moms and grandmas wanting to make homemade meals. 

3. Not being present on social media

You should always be Present on social media if you want your company to grow. These platforms are the first place your customers will look for your company and make their first inferences on your brand. If you are not present on social media, you could be dropped by a potential customer. Even older generations will see your facebook profile, and it is the easiest way to get to a younger audience. Your social media should bring people to your website, and make people feel included in the online community your companies a part of. 

When it comes to social media it is important to always give quality in your posts instead of quantity. Having an overbearing page will not be pleasing to your customers. Having a helpful and high quality page will however make people like you and get people talking about your company. Be sure to use pictures and video often along with text posts. This will keep your page alive. 

4. No clear company brand

Another mistake that is commonly overlooked is when a company has no clear brand to its customers. The problem with this is that your business does not have any association to a feeling or idea. In other words, you are not memorable. Ai Addyson Zhang, a college professor, stated “Find a delicate balance between being human and being automated. People do business with people.” Having company guidelines can help with this. Set up a list of basic rules your employees have to follow: always say hello to new customers, never be on your phone during work, reply to as many comments as possible. These types of things will set an overall example of what your company is. It makes people associate your company with a good feeling, thus creating your brand. 

5. Not using SEO 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is the quality and quantity of results that comes when you search on a search engine, such as Google to Bing. SEO is how you make your website the first option on a search and keep it there. This has a lot to do with keywords, links and paid ads. Using SEO will not only help your website traffic, but promote your company as one of the best in its industry. This will show people that your business has experience and a following of customers. Then all you have to do is keep people on your website. 

6. Bad website design 

Website design can be the maker or destroyer of your business. Having a bland or overbearing website can repel customers away from your company on, and offline. Some things you can do to create a good environment on your site are to make it very user friendly and simple, appealing to the eye, and to make it fun and interesting! This is what will make people want to stay on your site and with your company. Take this example of Blindspots Website. 


They use a simple design that draws the eye around the page while still being entertaining to look at. Make sure your website has the same feeling as you want your brand to be. Consistency is key. Which brings me to the next point; 

There you have it. The 6 biggest digital marketing mistakes and how to fix them. I hope this will be able to help you and your company climb to new heights and truly optimize your company wellness. If there is anything you would like to add, comment on this post and let me know. How have these insights helped you? 

Quotes: https://www.maxeffectmarketing.com/2019/02/online-marketing-mistakes/

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