
Why Video?

Guest blog from Megan Benson.

Why Video?

Have you ever wondered what makes apps like tik tok so successful? Have you ever found yourself losing track of time scrolling through instagram reels, youtube videos, or tik toks for hours on end? This year especially, video content has become immensely more popular than any other type of marketing content. Now why is that? According to research from slice.com

  • Video generates 1200% more shares than both images and text.
  • Users spend 88% more time on a website that has video.
  • Videos up to 2 minutes long receive the most engagement.

Because of these shocking statistics, companies have started to use video much more frequently in marketing. Examples such as video ads and commercials have grown to be very successful. So what makes a video more engaging? Studies show that as consumers, we have gotten so used to scrolling through photos that we’re now extremely good at digesting content without even giving it a second thought. With video, there is an advantage of having that extra second to pull the audience in and grab their attention. Even though we have that extra second when showing a video, it is important that we capitalize on that opportunity and make sure our video is engaging from the start. So what makes a video engaging? MotionCue.com gives five tips to creating a video that will captivate your audience.

  1. Capture your audience’s curiosity.
  2. Know your audience and hold their attention.
  3. Use eye-catching visuals to make engaging video content.
  4. Incorporate storytelling for engaging video content.
  5. Integrate ethos, pathos, and logos for persuasive content.
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Capture your audience’s curiosity

This first step is extremely important. Hooking your audience is key. This will set the tone for the rest of your video. It is important to get your point across right off the bat. Your viewers will automatically know if they want to continue watching or not, if they know the purpose of the video. Another thing that will grab your viewers attention is triggering emotion. Whether it is happiness, sadness, excitement, or fear. Lastly create something new. Don’t go with the flow. People want to see something they’ve never seen before. This will hook your viewers and create interest in whatever you are promoting. 

Know your audience and hold their attention

After you have captured your audience, it’s important to maintain their credibility. You want to hold their attention with engaging content while also getting your point across. Knowing your audience can play a big factor in this. When you know what your audience’s interests are and what is applicable to them, it makes the video production process much easier. Know your target market and who would be most interested in what you are promoting and gear your video towards them.

Use eye-catching visuals to make engaging video content

This step can be tricky because not everything your marketing is going to be the most eye catching and engaging thing. However, there is always a way to make something more visually appealing. If you’re dealing with elaborate complex content, simplify it to make it worth watching and more intriguing to your viewer. Another way to make mundane information engaging is by paying attention to what is relevant at the time and producing content that is trendy and popular to your audience. Something that is also extremely important is staying true to your brand and successfully executing the company’s message. Know what you want your audience to know. Create consistency in your video advertisements so that your content is always recognizable. If you want to know more about creating a brand image go to megbenson/tipsandtricks-createbrand.com

Incorporate storytelling for engaging video content

Telling a story is SO IMPORTANT. Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to have an influence on someone. It brings in emotion, culture, entertainment, and personal ideals that unite people. Remember, your viewers are very well trained in digesting content without even thinking about it or remembering it. Just think about the last time you watched TV and actually remembered the commercials in between the football game or reality tv show you were watching. Very rare right? However, a story is extremely more memorable than any other form of content. Your viewers are way more likely to remember your advertisement if it conveys emotion, humor, or entertainment. Any type of story told right, will stick in their memory like glue.

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Integrate ethos, pathos, and logos for persuasive content

Aristotle, a famous greek philosopher created ethos, pathos, and logos also known as “the modes of persuasion”. –MotionCue They are used to sway an audience’s opinion based on the information you’re giving them. Ethos is about establishing your authority and credibility to gain the trust of your audience. Pathos is about stating the facts and the logical side of the argument to convince the audience of your point. Logos is about conveying emotion with your audience to sway the way they feel about a subject. Using these three tactics in your videos will have a huge impact on the engagement of your audience.

Video is a very effective way to get your point across and is getting more popular everyday. If it is done right, video can be very effective in the marketing process. If you’re wondering how to increase your clientele, following, or company in general, keep in mind these five ways to advertise your product through video. For more tips and tricks on the basics of marketing and blogs on how to improve your company as a whole, visit my website at megbensonmarketing.com .

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